Showing entry for Paranasal Sinus Disorder

General Disease Information
Disease NameParanasal Sinus Disorder
Disease CUI IdC0030469
MeSH Codes C08   C09  
Disease Class NameRespiratory Tract Diseases; Otorhinolaryngologic Diseases
Semantic TypeDisease or Syndrome
Human Phenotype Ontology Id HP:0002715   HP:0000152   HP:0000924  
Human Phenotype Ontology TermAbnormality of the immune system; Abnormality of head or neck; Abnormality of the skeletal system
Disease Ontology Id DOID:7  
Disease Ontology Class Namedisease of anatomical entity
Disorder Network disorder-protein-compound-food associations
The  disease-related  target proteins
Uniport Id BXGT Id Protein Name Gene Status Protein Class
Uniport Id BXGT Id Protein name Gene Status Protein class
P00749 BXGT005641 Urokinase-type plasminogen activator 5328 reviewed Enzyme
P02741 BXGT005936 C-reactive protein 1401 reviewed
P02768 BXGT005955 Serum albumin 213 reviewed Transporter
P03372 BXGT006059 Estrogen receptor 2099 reviewed Nuclear receptor
P05121 BXGT006320 Plasminogen activator inhibitor 1 5054 reviewed Enzyme modulator
P13569 BXGT007923 Cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator 1080 reviewed Ion channel
P22303 BXGT008751 Acetylcholinesterase 43 reviewed Enzyme
Q9NR96 BXGT021181 Toll-like receptor 9 54106 reviewed
The  disease-related  compounds
BXGC Id Compound Name Structure Molecular Weight Number of targets?Number of times compound connecting the disease , higher numbers indicate the compound is more associated with the disease
The  disease-related  foods
BXGF Id Food Name Scientific Name Food Group Number of compounds in food?Number of compounds in food that connecting disease, higher numbers indicate the more compounds in food are more associated with the dusease